Since the teenage years, I have heard plenty on this notion of "inner self" or "inner person". This, due to the reading of many great books on spirituality and spiritual persons, coupled with being involved in various religious organizations, writing scripts for plays on great personalities and learning about the enlightened beings on this planet. As all teenagers do, I forgot and lost my way somewhere in early adulthood, only to keep being reminded of this notion now and then again.
Upon rediscovering it in a book on finding your own destiny, I have quickly renewed my faith in the Inner Self or what I like to call the Inner Voice. Great writers write that we are born pure and purposeful knowing in our hearts what we were destined to create, to do, involve ourselves in, change and the list is endless. Somewhere along the way, we lose our way because we start to change according to the external environment and listen to the crowd.
How many people have you heard say, "I really didn't want to do this, but my parents..." or "My real dream was to become a...." Too many I'm sure. You yourself may be one who has recited this to your friends. We certainly change to fit ourselves in the mould that society wants. Unfortunately, this mould may be different to what we were truly destined to become. Out of fear we relent and allow the crowd to dictate our life and path.
As a child, we are running wild and free to think and dream, but as we grow, our parents, our teachers and society moulds us to fit in and in that process, all our wild dreams are buried deep. This I believe is the true source of unhappiness in people - for they have muted the Inner Voice and allowed the Crowd Voice to permeate their soul.
At all times, that I took the unsual path, I was the most happiest. At all the times, that I took the "other way" was I the most ecstatic and excited to feel life unfolding itself. When I stopped listening to the Inner Voice and allowed the crowd to dictate my life, did I find unhappiness very quickly.
The crowd may call you a rebel, but rest assured, I was a rebel with a cause. That cause is my destiny. It has taught me a lesson or two on how to listen carefully and decipher what the heart truly wants, instead of putting it to sleep. I believe all the great thinkers and philosophers were rebels too, because they advocated new things and fought for great things. All the revolutionaries and masters of change were rebels with a cause - they changed quickly and succeeded in finding true happiness.
The inner voice - had to imagine, but it's ever so easy to listen to. Just shut up the mind and stop listening to the crowd. You will hear it.
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